

This website is a service of the Council on Chiropractic Orthopedics (CCO) a specialty council of the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) and is designed to provide visitors with pertinent information concerning the CCO. The information is provided with the understanding that neither the CCO nor ACA are engaged in rendering clinical, legal or other professional service. If such service or expert advice is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Members and visitors may save and use the information contained within only for personal use. No other use, including reproduction, transmission or editing, of the website information may be made without the written permission of the CCO, which may be requested by contacting the web administrator.

The CCO makes no warranty, guarantee, or representation as to the accuracy or sufficiency of the information printed within or on the websites which are linked, and the CCO and/or ACA assumes no responsibility or liability regarding the use or misuse of such information. The opinions expressed within the CCO website are not necessarily those of the CCO Executive Board and/or ACA. Advertisement appearing within the site or on linked sites do not imply approval nor endorsement. Providers should consult their respective state licensing boards concerning the use of advertised products or services.

LEGAL STATEMENT: For the advancement of the specialty of chiropractic orthopedics, the CCO is a member of an orthopedic coalition consisting of the CCO, ACO and ACCO.

CCO's function in the coalition is for the advancement of the orthopedic syllabus as presented at CCE colleges, as the national trade association voice for orthopedics through the ACA, and supports and provides post diplomate education.

However, the CCO is not involved in the examination or certification process leading to diplomate status; although both the CCO and ACA formally recognize the Academy's certification and diplomat status, as well as the diplomate status of the ABCO.